суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

bmx trix games

I just scrolled down my journal a bit, and noticed "and iapos;m off on weekends".� my ass.� mandatory overtime.� i worked today, and iapos;m working tomorrow.� fucking seven days/week.� iapos;ve worked every weekend so far since i started.� it was supposed to be a monday-friday deal.� i like my job, but the rush/priority/apos;fuck you we pay you so do what we say, be here constantly, donapos;t think about things outside of your jobapos; mentality is pissing me off.

and why is marijuana fucking illegal?� goddamn.

marcyapos;s doing great.� sheapos;s such a doll.� :)
bmx trix games, bmx trix game, bmx trix, bmx tris.

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